I don’t want to count this stuff!!! We are giving a 20% discount on anything in the store this whole week! This includes already discounted Christmas, Fall & Halloween ~ taking them to 40% off!!! Now that is a savings. (Does not apply to Furniture, Machines and already discounted Bernina Feet & Hoops.) I will sell chairs at 20% off! In Stock Inventory Only!
The December Free CD's are here for the OESD FALL BUNDLE SALE!!!! This is a wonderful deal for all embroiderers. ANY OESD sell totaling $79 or more (monthly for Nov & Dec) gets you a free CD of holiday patterns/motifs. There are 3 different ones and they are sooo cute! We also have catalogs available. If we don't have what you want in stock, we will let you pre-pay; then we will order it and count it toward your sale. Need that Christmas Village collection piece? The Diner is the new 2017 addition to the Christmas Village standing lace collection. We now have it in stock!
Remember the Bernina Holiday Specials: B790+ or B880+ machines get a new Koala cabinet or a Bernina 700 machine! Other alternatives are to get the newest embroidery software free (V8.1) or a new B350 PE! These are unpublished alternative offers I can give. If that doesn't suit your fancy, we'll go back to the protective travel cases and the accessory and embroidery kit worth $2,500! WE WANT TO MOVE THOSE MACHINES! There is still time for the 48 month free financing! This week is the Bernina 25% off all feet and hoops sale!
Koala Floor Models: I’m selling all my Koala floor models. I’ll still get them if you need them. I’m re-vamping my Bernina sales area so I can bring more machines to the floor. and I need that space.
What's New In The Shop???
Flannels Are Here! I have 3 new bolts – 2 infant and one camp!
The newest Stonehenge Gradation collections in brights came in. 30 bolts! Look at Facebook!
Bernette Machines In Stock: We have 8 Bernette machines in house if you are looking for a cheaper price point and a better machine than the Wal-Mart brands for holiday gifts, getting a granddaughter started, etc. I have three Sew & Go’s on sale for $129 during the holiday specials.
We have over 1000 bolts coming in 2018! They will begin rolling in during January and come monthly through August.
The 2018 calendar is ready! Almost everything is up and running on the web sight for the whole year! We have lots of new and exciting things to offer you this year! WORKING FRIENDS! I’ve made sure you have lots of opportunity this year and plenty of advanced notice. I have everything from Tuffet Classes to Open Sew Days on Saturdays and I’ve left plenty open to add new things.
We are bringing back KIDS CAMP for those beginner sewers in July. The sessions will be scheduled in the afternoon. The fee includes their first beginner machine (parents and grandparents can choose & I’ll earmark them as long as supplies last. Upgrades are available.) They will get acquainted with machines, do make and take projects and generally begin to embrace the art of sewing! We will start a mature 8-year-old and work through any teen that wants to come. (NOTE: I’m also going to have an adult session where mature teens and adults can come and do make and take projects to renew that love of sewing and get reacquainted with your machine in August. More on that developing effort later!)
BERNINA ACADEMY: This class is a two-day course sponsored and taught by Bernina Education Professionals. The machines and kits are provided by Bernina. It is June 21 and 22. This class is a fun, hands-on, experience with different sewing mediums (from leather to lace!) Two people to a machine! Lunch is provided both days with prizes and machine specials! This is structured to dispel all fear of fabric and have a lot of fun doing it! Depending on the number of sign-ups – we may seek an off-site venue!
OPEN SEW DAYS W/ POT LUCK! They are days to bring your food and projects (with or without a machine) and spend the day at Hickory Hill. They are spanning every day of the week, so no excuses that you have conflicts! I want to see you all in here having fun! We have themed each day – this is Jan-Dec – Jan, Brenda Cooney is doing no MSG Chili and I’m making a pot too, so bring the fixings! Feb is Soup & Salad, then we have “Green for March, Italian, Roast, Burgers, a Banana Split Bar, Mexican, Hoagies, Gumbo, Leftovers & Turkey and Pizza to complete the year!
OESD School of Embroidery Classes: We no longer have “embroidery club.” We have purchased the Oklahoma School of Embroidery (OESD) certifications for our teachers and are now participating in the training courses for our customers. Monthly (3rd Tuesday) the designs and patterns will be chosen from the OESD teaching sessions. I know that in January Barbara is teaching trapunto quilting! We asked for them to design classes with a little more depth for our more experienced quilters. There should be something for everyone this year!
Westalee also has a certification and training classes which we purchased and are participating in this year. Michelle Jones is going to introduce you to the rulers and immerse you in the beauty of the possibilities! We will be hosting a quilt-as-you-go block of the month using the Westalee techniques and rulers! Sign Ups are already on the web. (2nd Wednesday of the month – 1-3:30)
Software Training ~ This is a tickler ~ I’m working it with the District Manager to get a Bernina Software specialist in here for an intro and demo of the Bernina Software! This is tentatively planned for the week of April 9 so stay tuned.
Hickory Nuts – They never left – they have just been stored for the winter and we are breaking them out again! Our first session with the patented templates is February 6th (two others scheduled) where we will be doing a Valentine’s applique in the middle for a “sweet” small piece for your table!
FULL QUILT EMBROIDERY PROJECT STARTING! Second Saturday of the month! Susan Kadlubar will be teaching the Can Can Confetti pattern by Smith Street Designs! The kits are almost done if you would like to pick one up! Kick off is 1/13!
WHO KNEW THAT EVERYBODY DID NOT LIKE TO QUILT???? Whaaaaat???? We are going to be offering quarterly “art” classes for those more into the craft side of fiber arts! We have wonderful teachers like Bonnie Kassler (A Hoot of a Bowl with beaded embellishments) tentatively Saturday 2/24, Michelle Jones (quilt embellishments), and Darlene Garstecki (Fabulous Jewelry) already lined up for these fun sessions. Dates are not completely lined up, so keep watching for finalized dates!
Bees & Classes
We will be working with the Bees to schedule the year and resolve all conflicts. I’d like the contact person from our in-house bees to give me a call to discuss the 2018 calendar.
Closed 12/24 - 31 for Christmas & Inventory
1/1 - Reschedule to 1/8 – Bee Sew Happy
1/3 – Embroidery Bee
1/4 – Knubees
1/6 – Mastery Class – Bring Embroidery Units – Sign Up On Line or Call
1/8 – Bee Sew Happy
1/9 & 16 (two-day) – Judy Niemeyer Beginner Class – Introduction to Cut Loose Patterns – Waterwheel
1/12 – Judy Niemeyer Sew In Day – Must have 3 to have to instructor!
1/13 – NEW EMBROIDERY QUILT STARTING – Smith Street Designs – Can Can Confetti w/ Susan Kadlubar
1/17 – CFA
1/18 – S&B
1/19 – BOM Forest Floor Session 4
1/20 – 3D Wall Hanging with Sheryl White (3D Quilting Techniques & Intro to Metallic Thread)
1/23 – OESD School of Embroidery Training – Trapunto Quilting
1/24 – Beginner Free Motion Quilting – with Westalee Rulers – Exposure Level Only
1/26 – Beginner Quilting Classes Begin – 8 Weeks – 1-3:30
1/27 – Open Sew Day – Pot Luck – Chili (Brenda Cooney) & Amy Hoyt – Bring the Fixings
1/29 & 30 – Tuffets – Sign Up Now so we can get kits ordered
1/31 – Beginner Free Motion Quilting – without rulers – BSR’s & Freehand
Keep Checking the Calendar for more fun stuff! The full year is populated!
NOTE: Sign up early! We will cancel any class with less than 3 participants. Call the shop if you have questions or need help with sign up!
Mastery classes are now available the first Saturday of every month. The classes are available to all Bernina owners. If you purchased your machine from someone other than Hickory Hill Quilts, you are still welcome in our classes. To all Hickory Hill purchasers and those moving from out-of-state, the classes are free. If you want to transfer your warranty period to us and take classes here from an in-district store, come in and talk to us about “adopting” your machine, so that we can provide your classes and warranty work for you.
Other News
Firmware Alert: Bernina has issued a firmware MUST UPDATE alert for 790 and 880 users. There are also updates for the 770 and 765. This update is available on your My Bernina site. If you do not know how to do the update, please call and we will schedule a time for you to bring it in and we will assist you with getting your firmware up-to-date.
LAST CALL FOR PREVIOUS OWNER Gift Certificates: Anyone who has earned a loyal customer gift certificate in the last few months has discovered that our new point of sale tracks those gift certificates for us – no paper certificates for us to write up, or for you to try to track! It is also a much better situation for the accounting end of the business. After the end of the year, we will no longer honor the old paper certificates, so please, please, please – bring them in and redeem them soon. The rewards program isn't changing, just the method by which we track your rewards. The old thread card reward system will remain the same.