- The entire class fee is due PRIOR to the day of the class.
- Class minimum is three (3). Supplies, kits and instructors have to be coordinated, so no exceptions. Sign up early!
- Class maximums are based on how much equipment and personnel can fit into the classroom, usually 10 to 12.
- If HHQ cancels a class, a full refund either to your card or via store credit will be given.
- If attendees cancel – we must get notification 72 hours prior to the class date to receive a store credit – no refunds. An exception to that would be if we have a waiting list or a replacement is found for the slot.
- Attendees are responsible for picking up supply lists and coming prepared to the class. Please procure fabric and supplies prior to the day of the class.
- Purchase supplies for the class on the day of registration or within 7 days of the class to receive a 10% discount. The discount cannot be combined with any other discount and is only applicable to class requirements – not on the kits designed for the class. It is your responsibility to engage the cashier for this discount as she may not know about your class schedule.
- Class fees cover instruction only unless otherwise stated.
- Kit & Design fees will be published separately if applicable.
- Some classes must adhere to Copyright laws that require each student to purchase the book or pattern required for the class. The exception for now is the OESD Embroidery Classes.
- The shop does not provide any supplies for classes or clubs.
- We are currently servicing only Bernina machines.
- We will sew in all machines to verify working condition – so bring the cord and foot control with the machine.
- We ask that all accessories are left at home.
- We will expect the owner to sign a sheet acknowledging what was told to intake personnel and verifying what parts & accessories were given to HHQ at the time of intake.
- We will NOT make determinations of “if” your machine needs a COA at the time of repair. We are not going to close a dirty machine. So just like a colonoscopy – if we get inside – we will do what is necessary! 😊
- A new needle will be put into the machine at the time of service and the old one will be kept should the owner want it back.
- We will make every effort during repair to keep the owner appraised of possible extenuating charges. Anything under $25 will be understood as part of repair costs.
- We reserve the right to dispose of any machines left at the shop for more than 30 days after repair/maintenance notification.
- An exception to this policy can be made by making prior arrangements so that we know in advance. (Snowbirds out for the winter, etc.)
- We reserve the right to refuse service.