All whites or cream or white-on-white//cream-on-cream are 20% off January 24 - 27!
Hoffman Celebrate Good Times is here! It is a lovely 10-bolt collection for parties, two balloons, 3 confetti bolts (one red, white & blue!), 3 streamers, 2 ribbons. If you are planning a celebration - these will be a hit!
Wilmington's Garden Gathering is in transit! I'm really excited about this one for the spring / Easter projects! Will keep you posted.
I just added a B 750 Quilter's Edition with a BSR to my used collection!
If you have been wanting to upgrade to a 790+ I have a steal in my possession right now. This machine was purchased at a trade show by one of our travelers and she came back here to she shop, saw the 880+ and fell in love with it and traded me the 790+ (Brand New) to upgrade! I have to sell it as a used machine! I can drop the price as low as $8K for this one machine only. It is not eligible for other offers as it was redeemed for the cabinet already!
I also have two of the 500 series machines that are going for rock bottom pricing! They are the previous generation machines and I need to move them out! The first is a 570 Quilter’s Edition meaning it comes with a BSR. The MSRP is $4,399 – Our Price $3,000! The BSR alone is worth $1K.
The second machine is the 580 with an embroidery module. The MSRP on that machine $6,799 and I have it marked down to $4,500!
Remember that the Bernina Christmas Specials still apply to my existing inventory. I have two 770 eligible for gift with purchase and one 880+!
QUILT EMBELLISHMENT WITH EMBROIDERY AND MACHINE APPLIQUE PROJECT STARTING! We kicked this quilt off with 5 attending! If you are interested in participating, please call us and we will get you in touch with our instructor to get you started.
OESD SCHOOL OF EMBROIDERY CLASSES: We have decided on the project for February! We will be embroidering on towels! The project is making a monogrammed beach towel tote. This time we have cleared with OESD that the attendees get the whole alphabet to personalize these items along with a few goodies (pansies, acorns, leaves, grapes, etc.) February 20! Sign up now! If we need to add another class, we will just like we did in January! What fun we had with the trapunto!
Michelle Jones is teaching free motion quilting WITH rulers and WITHOUT rulers this year! Along with a BOM with rulers from the Westalee & Me training we purchased for the shop!
There is still time to get in on the Community Service Block of the Month (BOM) for 2018. We have two January packages left.
OPEN SEW DAYS W/ POT LUCK! January’s date is the 27th and we are having chili with all the fixings! I’ll need folks to bring onions, Fritos, sour cream, dessert, etc – the works for a fun day! (All dates and themes are in the classes/clubs section of the web site.)
Tuffets are January 29 & 30! If you are interested in taking the class, you need to sign up so we can get the kits ordered. We don’t have additional kits in stock.
Valentine’s Make and Take using Hickory Nuts is in the works for Feb 6! We have the sample in the shop now and the picture on line.
REMEMBER – THERE MUST BE 3 ATTENDEES FOR A CLASSES TO MAKE OR THE CLASS WILL BE CANCELED. Call the shop if you have questions or need help with sign up! 501-318-2739 The full year calendar is on the web! If you click
1/26 – Beginner Quilting Classes Begin – 8 Weeks – 1-3:30
1/27 – Open Sew Day – Pot Luck – Chili (Brenda Cooney) & Amy Hoyt – Bring the Fixings
1/29 & 30 – Tuffets – Sign Up Now so we can get kits ordered
1/31 – Beginner Free Motion Quilting – without rulers – BSR’s & Freehand
2/1 - Knubees
2/2 - Beginning Quilting Session #2
2/3 - Mastery Class - Starting from the Beginning - You must sign up so we know how many kits and machine types we will have.
2/5 - Bee Sew Happy
2/6 - Valentine's Day Make & Take - Too Cute - Using Embroidery & Hickory Nut Templates
2/7 - Embroidery Bee
2/9 - Beginning Quilting Session #3
2/10 - BLOCK OF THE MONTH IS DUE - CAN CAN CONFETTI (Embellishing a Quilt with Applique & Embroidery - In-Hoop Quilting)
2/14 - Westalee Ruler Block of the Month (BOM) Kickoff
2/15 - S&B moved
2/16 - Forest Floor BOM Session 5
2/17 - OPEN SEW DAY & POT LUCK!!! (Soup & Salad!)
2/20 - Embroidery Club
2/21 - CFA
2/23 - Beginning Quilting Session #4
2/24 - Art Project for Q1 - Whimsycal Hoot Fabric / Beaded Bowl - Taught by Bonnie Kastler
2/27 - JN Sew Day
Keep Checking the Calendar for more fun stuff! The full year is populated!
Other News
On Line Sales are up and running! Of course we started with our Hickory Nuts and will be adding more items as we can.