This is our web page link, thank you for letting me know you did not have the link! Go to the Calendar Header and you will find the calendar month by month. Underneath it on the right is a printer button. It can be printed!
On the newsletter tab you can now go to all archived newsletters and read past issues – in case you missed them!
Get your green on! St. Patrick's Day is just around the corner and everyone needs a little green in their stash. Now through 2/28 all green in the store is 20% off including backing and thread.
Bernina has reduced their minimum price on machines for a limited time. They are marked even lower that you have ever seen them. 4/14 - they go back to the regular pricing. There is even a free financing period (March 15 - 19) off the MAP price in March if you’d like to use your Synchrony card for sales over $3,000. In honor of Embroidery and International Quilting Months they have some bonus packages with machine sales through March.
This month the invisible zipper foot is 25% off.
March the 25% off foot is the darning foot #9.
March also has a limited time period where all feet are on sale 25% off from the 15th to the 19th! Put that on your calendar!
March Open Sew Date Change!!!
OPEN SEW DAYS W/ POT LUCK! March 19th is now the date. We had a house full last month and I was so tickled to see the ladies having so much fun! Bring your machine or hand project and spend the day enjoying the company of the fun gals at HHQ! Anything Green is the theme!
2/27 Niemeyer Sew Day w/ Judy Bowers
3/1 Knubees & Our April Blocks are packaged and ready to go!
3/1 Beginning Machine Quilting - Session 5 (Rescheduled from 3/2)
3/3 Mastery Class - You must sign up! We had 12 show up last month and we can’t accommodate more than 12. We are going to reduce the attendees to 8 so that the instructors have more time with attendees.
3/5 BeeSewHappy
3/7 Embroidery Bee
3/9 Beginning Machine Quilting - Session 6
3/10 Can Can Confetti - Session 3
3/10 BOM's due back for exchange
3/14 Moved to April - BOM Getting the Most out of You Rulers - Westalee Training - Block of the Month Kickoff with Michelle Jones
We are hoping for an April kick off date, but this is not set in stone yet. We have blocked the second Wednesday for these sessions.
3/15 S&B
3/16 Forrest Floor BOM Session 6
3/19 Open Sew Day - Green is the theme for lunch
3/20 OESD School of Embroidery (Garment Embroidery on a Tunic/Top)
3/21 CFA
3/23 Beginning Machine Quilting - Session 7
3/24 Niemeyer Sew Day w/ Judy Bowers
3/28 Beginning Machine Quilting - Session 8 (Rescheduled from 3/30)
We are still trying to add our art class for 1Q! Keep Checking the Calendar! The full year is populated! I'm also going to put some Facebook posts to show off our new products, so like us on Facebook - same address - hhqsewingcenter.com
REMEMBER – THERE MUST BE 3 ATTENDEES FOR A CLASSES TO MAKE OR THE CLASS WILL BE CANCELED. Call the shop if you have questions or need help with sign up! 501-318-2739 The full year calendar is on the web! If you click
Other News
What’s New You Say!?!
Our Shop in Shop can in and was installed in February. We are so proud of it and Bernina is too. We will be featured in the next International Bernina seminar worldwide! I’m ever so proud and tickled.
See the Northcott Artisan Spirit Shimmer link! The fabric came rolling in with 59 bolts of the most beautiful fabric I’ve ever seen. Much of it is green(s), so be sure to take advantage of the sale @ 20% off till 2/28. Northcott's Naturescapes fat quarter bundles are here! There are 40 to a pack and we have two whole packs and two that are in the tables for individual fat quarter sales. Lauren Burch flannel arrived in February and it is precious. Both the cotton and the flannel lines are phasing out, I can’t get replacement feature bolts, so get it while you can. The newest model of Oliso Smart Iron just arrived along with several gallon jugs of Best Press.
Our web site sale is on and features all our newest lines. We are activating products daily. We even have our Quilter’s Select rulers available for sale on line so tell all your friends that we can mail them to them now!
Skip has completed three new 8 foot tables for our training room to provide more stability for our embroidery friends with the fourth in the garage in the works.
I see paint outside marking the utility lines for where our new sign will go. It is schedule to be installed in March. Hopefully, you will see us better and stop missing the turn - including me! :)