FEATHERWEIGHT Club April 22, 2019
Crossroads Table Runner
$5 for signup
INSTRUCTOR: Sharon Harrold
- The pattern is a Gudrun Erla pattern
- The table runner is 13 ½ x45 ½
- Quilt as you go
- The kit is $22.00 done in Red/White & Blue!
- Bring 2/3 yard for backing or at least 16” x 48” piece (the theme is Fourth of July so red, white and blue)
- 1 1/3-yard Bosal Fusible Batting or a 16” x 48” piece. (you can use regular batting and basting spray)
Base Machine Supplies:
- Bring your Featherweight cleaned and oiled
- Basic sewing supplies (pins, ripper, cutter/scissors)
- Measuring tape
- Rulers
- Small Iron and pad to iron on if you have one
- Frixion pen
You can bring the backing and batting cut for class.
Pick up your kit prior to or the day of class.