SAVE THE DATE - SHORT BOLT SALE - November 1-6, 2019
*See how digital fabric is printed
*Learn why all digital fabric is not the same
*Learn how to know quilt quality digital fabric
*See the new design possibilities for digital printing
There will be 1,700 yards of fabric shipped in for this sale arriving by November 1st. They are first runs but end of factory bolts ranging from 3 to 8 yards. $6.99/yard!!! You take the whole bolt, no cutting. This will be a great way to plan for backings, backgrounds, charity projects, etc. where you need a bulk of fabric cheap.
Of course I'm going to let you know when we have it where you can shop, but you won't want to miss the presentation on November 6th!
Save the dates to COME SEE US AT HICKORY HILL!