November 1 we will begin the Short Bolt Sale!!!
What is a short bolt sale you ask? It is 3 to 8 yards on a bolt that will be sold without cutting. You have to purchase all of what is on the bolt. It is the final fabric runs from industrial bolts of fabric. We are bringing in 1700 yards of fabric!!!
November 6th we will have a representative from QT Fabrics (Quilting Treasurers) here to give two presentations to our guests at 10:30 and again at 12:30. There will be door prizes and gift bag give away's to attendees on that day.
At the end of the day Nov. 6th - he will take away all our unsold short bolts and they will be gone till next time!
This is a great time to get backing and boarder fabrics!!!
Secret!!! - You may want to check Facebook and follow us there!
We will also have all our regular priced fabrics on sale at 15% off.
I hope you come see us at Hickory Hill!!!