Welcoming 2021!
We have lots off new fabric that arrived while we were closed between Christmas and New Year's Day, so be sure to come in to check it out. The Stonehenge collection has grown, and we have new Kimberbell fabrics as well. And, we are now stocking Kimberbell stabilizers.
We have lots of classes on the calendar, including Mastery Classes on Jan. 5 and 6. We have added a Serger Mastery Class on Sat, Jan 31! Make sure to get signed up. The seats will go fast.
A new session of Advanced Beginners begins Friday, Jan 8. If you have taken the Beginner class, this is a continuation of that. It is also appropriate for anyone who knows a few of the basics, but would like to make a sampler quilt introducing a variety of techniques. A new session of the 8 week beginner quilting class will start on Friday, Jan. 15. It is sold out and we will start another one just as soon as 3 people express interest! We have another one on the calendar later in the year, but we if we have enough interest, we can always add a class.
For anyone interested in Free Motion (FM) Quilting using rulers and templates, there is a session of Beginning FM quilting with Westalee Rulers the afternoon of Jan 8. The next afternoon, Jan. 9, is Beautiful Borders using templates and rulers. It will be taught using Westalee Rulers, but many of the rulers manufactured by other companies are similar, and many of the techniques can be applied to them. Students have the option of bringing their machines and stitching along, or they may wish to watch the demonstrations/audit the class. It is a really good opportunity to see what the ruler fuss is all about before you invest in them! If anyone has a border template but is not sure how to use it - bring it and work with it in this class.
For embroidery enthusiasts, Sharon will be teaching in-the-hoop Mug Rugs using Kimberbell's "Friends & Coffee" Wed, Jan 13. This is a don't miss, because they are Sew Cute! And later in the month, Sunshine Cove will kick off with Barbara. There were so many interested in this class, we had to break it into two classes. There are seats available. This is a gorgeous quilt designed by Sara Vedeler. It cannot be described, so plan on checking it out on the wall of the classroom the next time you are in the shop. The kits are extensive, so if you are planning to participate, you need to let us know right away.
Our Charity Sew Days will continue on the 4th Saturday. Jan 23 is our next sew day.
January 30th, the fifth Saturday in January, is the first Bonus Bag Day! See our website or our FaceBook page for more details. YOU WANT THESE BONUS BAGS!!! Over half are sold already!
There will be a separate e-mail for our Barn Block extravaganza! Stay tuned to Hickory Hill!