These bonus bags give the privilege to choose a sale. It is NOT in conjunction with or on top of other discounted items. However, the 10% for emptying a bolt will apply to purchases, so you could get as much as 35% for emptying a bolt. On non-Bonus Bag Days the 5% applies only to regular priced items. If a customer gets 10% for a class purchase, the 5% is not tacked on top.
Several of you have expressed concerns about having 100 shoppers in the shop at the time. That is NOT going to happen.
We are going to extend shop hours on Bonus Bag Day Sales to begin at 9:00 am and close at 5:00 pm. That gives a full 8 hours of shopping or approximately 13 people an hour to keep everyone safe. We will target an alphabet approach.
A-B First Names 9-10
C-D First Name 10-11
E-J First Name 11-12
K-L First Name 12-1
M-N First Name 1-2
O-S First Name 2-3
T-Z First Name and All Exceptions can come from 3-5
Having said all this - we are not going to police the alphabet. We are going to hold the number in the shop to 15 at any given time by monitoring the door numbers. We will make this work!
Excited to see you at Hickory Hill!